Underground car park clean after homeless encampment

Underground Car park clean-up: Liverpool


In many urban areas, homelessness presents complex challenges for both individuals experiencing homelessness and the broader community. One such challenge is the presence of homeless encampments, which can arise in public spaces such as car parks. These encampments often contain hazardous materials, pose health and safety risks, and impact the quality of life for nearby residents.


The primary goals were to ensure the safety of the community, remove hazardous materials, restore the area to its original state, and prepare it for public use.

Our Approach

Assessment and Planning: The team began by assessing the extent of the homeless encampment and identifying potential hazards. This involved surveying the area, documenting the condition of tents, debris, and personal belongings, and identifying any hazardous materials such as needles and broken glass.

Safety Protocols: Prior to beginning the clean-up process, the team implemented strict safety protocols to protect team members and mitigate risks. This included training on proper handling and disposal of hazardous materials, as well as ensuring all team members were equipped with personal protective equipment.

Clean-Up Process: The clean-up process involved systematically removing tents, debris, and personal belongings left behind by individuals experiencing homelessness. Careful attention was paid to identifying and safely disposing of hazardous materials, such as needles and broken glass, to minimise risks to the community.

Sanitisation: Once the area was cleared of debris and all hazardous materials removed, the team proceeded to sanitise the space to ensure it met health and safety standards. This involved thoroughly cleaning the ground, as well as removing any lingering odours & contaminants.


  • Improved Safety: By removing hazardous materials and debris, the clean-up project significantly improved safety conditions for both the homeless individuals and the surrounding community.
  • Restored Public Space: The area previously occupied by the homeless encampment was successfully restored to its original state, making it safe and accessible for public use.
  • Positive Community Impact: The clean-up project received positive feedback from community members, who appreciated the efforts to address a challenging issue and improve the quality of the area.


The successful clean-up of the homeless encampment in the underground car park demonstrates the importance of collaborative efforts and following strict safety protocols in addressing complex social challenges. By prioritising safety, sanitation, and restoration, the team was able to achieve its objectives and make a positive impact on the community.

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